Decentralized Mining Pools
Mining in Cryptocurrencies is Highly Centralized
- More than 80% of mining power in Ethereum emanates from 5 mining pools. Similarly, the main 8 pools control the same fraction of mining power in Bitcoin.
Transaction Censorship and Single Point of Failure
- Pools dictate the transaction sets in new blocks, not miners. Pools are subject to continuous DDoS attacks. If a big pool goes down, the security of the network is significantly compromised.
Mining Solo is Difficult for Small Miners
- High variance of returns, hard for users to plan economically.
Centralized Pools Take High Fees
- To cover for their operation costs and gain profits.
- Decentralized
- No centralized operators managing the pool.
- Secure
- Secure against both malicious and cheating miners, fully protected from DDoS attacks.
- Efficient & Scalable
- Even more efficient than centralized pools. Can handle thousands of miners.